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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 345-685

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Self-Similar Solutions To The Oort–Hulst–Safronov Coagulation Equation

Véronique Bagland and Philippe Laurencot

pp. 345-378

$L_p$-Theory for a Class of Non-Newtonian Fluids

Dieter Bothe and Jan Prüss

pp. 379-421

Vortex Dynamics in a Two-Dimensional Domain with Holes and the Small Obstacle Limit

M. C. Lopes Filho

pp. 422-436

Sharp Estimates on Minimum Travelling Wave Speed of Reaction Diffusion Systems Modelling Autocatalysis

Xinfu Chen and Yuanwei Qi

pp. 437-448

Elastic Energy Stored in a Crystal Induced by Screw Dislocations: From Discrete to Continuous

Marcello Ponsiglione

pp. 449-469

Analysis of Univariate Nonstationary Subdivision Schemes with Application to Gaussian-Based Interpolatory Schemes

Nira Dyn, David Levin, and Jungho Yoon

pp. 470-488

Elliptic Differential Equations with Coefficients Measurable with Respect to One Variable and VMO with Respect to the Others

Doyoon Kim and N. V. Krylov

pp. 489-506

A New Class of Entropy Solutions of the Buckley–Leverett Equation

C. J. van Duijn, L. A. Peletier, and I. S. Pop

pp. 507-536

Convergence of Increasingly Flat Radial Basis Interpolants to Polynomial Interpolants

Yeon Ju Lee, Gang Joon Yoon, and Jungho Yoon

pp. 537-553

Extending the Range of Error Estimates for Radial Approximation in Euclidean Space and on Spheres

R. A. Brownlee, E. H. Georgoulis, and J. Levesley

pp. 554-564

Stable Solutions for the Bilaplacian with Exponential Nonlinearity

Juan Dávila, Louis Dupaigne, Ignacio Guerra, and Marcelo Montenegro

pp. 565-592

Generic Validity of the Multifractal Formalism

A. Fraysse

pp. 593-607

Continuity Estimates for the Monge–Ampère Equation

Huai-Yu Jian and Xu-Jia Wang

pp. 608-626

Remarks on the Mass Constraint for KP-Type Equations

L. Molinet, J. C. Saut, and N. Tzvetkov

pp. 627-641

Two-Scale Homogenization for Evolutionary Variational Inequalities via the Energetic Formulation

Alexander Mielke and Aida M. Timofte

pp. 642-668

A Sufficient Condition of Regularity for Axially Symmetric Solutions to the Navier–Stokes Equations

G. Seregin and W. Zajaczkowski

pp. 669-685